Example Programs
Example Anchor programs references
Example | Description |
checking-accounts | Checking account example with Anchor |
close-account | Close account example with Anchor |
counter | Counter program using Anchor |
create-account | Create accounts with Anchor |
cross-program-invocation | Cross program invocation with Anchor |
favorites | Store user "favorites" with Anchor |
hello-solana | Basic "Hello, Solana!" program with Anchor |
pda-rent-payer | PDA rent payer example with Anchor |
processing-instructions | Process instructions using Anchor |
program-derived-addresses | Program-derived addresses with Anchor |
realloc | Reallocate account data with Anchor |
rent | Calculate account SOL rent with Anchor |
transfer-sol | Transfer SOL tokens with Anchor |
Example | Description |
create-token | Create an SPL token with Anchor |
escrow | Escrow program using Anchor |
nft-minter | Mint NFTs using Anchor |
nft-operations | NFT operations with Anchor |
pda-mint-authority | PDA as mint authority with Anchor |
spl-token-minter | SPL token minting with Anchor |
token-fundraiser | Token fundraiser using Anchor |
token-swap | Swap tokens with Anchor |
transfer-tokens | Transfer SPL tokens using Anchor |
Token Extensions
Example | Description |
basics | Basics of Token 2022 with Anchor |
cpi-guard | CPI guard example with Anchor |
default-account-state | Default account state setup with Anchor |
group | Token grouping example with Anchor |
immutable-owner | Immutable owner setup with Anchor |
interest-bearing | Interest-bearing tokens using Anchor |
memo-transfer | Memo transfer with Anchor |
metadata | Token metadata with Anchor |
mint-close-authority | Mint close authority with Anchor |
multiple-extensions | Multiple extensions example with Anchor |
nft-meta-data-pointer | NFT metadata pointer with Anchor |
non-transferable | Non-transferable tokens using Anchor |
permanent-delegate | Permanent delegate setup with Anchor |
transfer-fee | Transfer fees example with Anchor |
transfer-hook | Transfer hook example with Anchor |