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Account Types

Anchor Account Type Examples

Minimal reference examples for Anchor account types.

See the account types source code for implementation details.

Account Types

Account<'info, T>

Description: Account container that checks ownership on deserialization
Examples: Github | Solpg

pub struct InstructionAccounts<'info> {

    pub account: Account<'info, CustomAccountType>,
pub struct CustomAccountType {
    data: u64,


Description: AccountInfo can be used as a type but Unchecked Account should be used instead
Examples: Github | Solpg

pub struct InstructionAccounts<'info> {
    /// CHECK: AccountInfo is an unchecked account

    pub unchecked_account: AccountInfo<'info>,

AccountLoader<'info, T>

Description: Type facilitating on demand zero copy deserialization
Examples: Github | Solpg

pub struct InstructionAccounts<'info> {

    pub account: AccountLoader<'info, ZeroCopyAccountType>,
pub struct ZeroCopyAccountType {
    data: u64,

Box<Account<'info, T>>

Description: Box type to save stack space
Examples: Github | Solpg

pub struct InstructionAccounts<'info> {

    pub account: Box<Account<'info, AccountType>>,

Interface<'info, T>

Description: Type validating that the account is one of a set of given Programs
Examples: Github | Solpg

// Token program or Token2022 program
use anchor_spl::token_interface::TokenInterface;
pub struct InstructionAccounts<'info> {

    pub program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,

InterfaceAccount<'info, T>

Description: Account container that checks ownership on deserialization
Examples: Github | Solpg

// Token program or Token2022 program Mint/TokenAccount
use anchor_spl::token_interface::{Mint, TokenAccount, TokenInterface};
pub struct InstructionAccounts<'info> {

    pub mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
    pub token: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
    pub program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,

Option<Account<'info, T>>

Description: Option type for optional accounts
Examples: Github | Solpg

pub struct InstructionAccounts<'info> {

    pub account: Option<Account<'info, AccountType>>,

Program<'info, T>

Description: Type validating that the account is the given Program
Examples: Github | Solpg

use anchor_spl::token::Token;
pub struct InstructionAccounts<'info> {

    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
    pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,


Description: Type validating that the account signed the transaction
Examples: Github | Solpg

pub struct InstructionAccounts<'info> {

    pub signer: Signer<'info>,


Description: Type validating that the account is owned by the system program
Examples: Github | Solpg

pub struct InstructionAccounts<'info> {

    pub account: SystemAccount<'info>,

Sysvar<'info, T>

Description: Type validating that the account is a sysvar and deserializing it
Examples: Github | Solpg

pub struct InstructionAccounts<'info> {

    pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
    pub clock: Sysvar<'info, Clock>,


Description: Explicit wrapper for AccountInfo types to emphasize that no checks are performed
Examples: Github | Solpg

pub struct InstructionAccounts<'info> {
    // CHECK: No checks are performed

    pub account: UncheckedAccount<'info>,

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