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Anchor Version Manager

AVM reference documentation

Anchor Version Manager (avm) is provided to manage multiple installations of the anchor-cli binary. This may be required to produce verifiable builds, or if you'd prefer to work with an alternate version.

Anchor version manager
    avm <SUBCOMMAND>
    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information
    help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    install      Install a version of Anchor
    list         List available versions of Anchor
    uninstall    Uninstall a version of Anchor
    use          Use a specific version of Anchor


avm install <VERSION_OR_COMMIT>

Install the specified version of anchor-cli. The version argument should follow semver versioning. It is also possible to use latest as the version argument to install the latest version.

It's also possible to install based on a specific commit hash:

avm install 0.30.1-cfe82aa682138f7c6c58bf7a78f48f7d63e9e466
# Full commit hash
avm install cfe82aa682138f7c6c58bf7a78f48f7d63e9e466
# Short commit hash
avm install cfe82aa


avm list


avm uninstall <version>


avm use <version>

Use a specific version. This version will remain in use until you change it by calling the same command again. Similarly to avm install, you can also use latest for the version.

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