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Anchor.toml Configuration

Anchor workspace config reference documentation

provider (required)

A wallet and cluster that are used for all commands.


cluster = "localnet"                    # The cluster used for all commands.
wallet = "~/.config/solana/id.json"     # The keypair used for all commands.

scripts (required for testing)

Scripts that can be run with anchor run <script>. The test script is executed by anchor test.


test = "yarn run ts-mocha -p ./tsconfig.json -t 1000000 tests/**/*.ts"



This tells the IDL to support account resolution. The default is true.


resolution = true



Adds a directory where you want the <idl>.ts file to be copied when running anchor build. This is helpful when you want to keep this file in version control, like when using it on the frontend, which will probably not have access to the target directory generated by anchor.


types = "app/src/idl/"


Sets the paths --relative to the Anchor.toml-- to all programs in the local workspace, i.e., the path to the Cargo.toml manifest associated with each program that can be compiled by the anchor CLI. For programs using the standard Anchor workflow, this can be omitted. For programs not written in Anchor but still want to publish, this should be added.


members = [


Opposite of workspace.members.


exclude = [



my_program = "Fg6PaFpoGXkYsidMpWTK6W2BeZ7FEfcYkg476zPFsLnS"

The addresses of the programs in the workspace.

programs.localnet is used during testing on localnet where it's possible to load a program at genesis with the --bpf-program option on solana-test-validator.



Increases the time anchor waits for the solana-test-validator to start up. This is, for example, useful if you're cloning (see test.validator.clone) many accounts which increases the validator's startup time.


startup_wait = 10000


Makes commands like anchor test start solana-test-validator with a given program already loaded.


address = "srmqPvymJeFKQ4zGQed1GFppgkRHL9kaELCbyksJtPX"
program = "dex.so"
address = "22Y43yTVxuUkoRKdm9thyRhQ3SdgQS7c7kB6UNCiaczD"
program = "swap.so"
upgradeable = true


Deploys the program-to-test using --upgradeable-program. This makes it possible to test that certain instructions can only be executed by the program's upgrade authority. The initial upgrade authority will be set to provider.wallet.

If unspecified or explicitly set to false, then the test program will be deployed with --bpf-program, disabling upgrades to it.


upgradeable = true


These options are passed into the options with the same name in the solana-test-validator cli (see solana-test-validator --help) in commands like anchor test.

url = "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com"     # This is the url of the cluster that accounts are cloned from (See `test.validator.clone`).
warp_slot = 1337                                # Warp the ledger to `warp_slot` after starting the validator.
slots_per_epoch = 5                             # Override the number of slots in an epoch.
rpc_port = 1337                                 # Set JSON RPC on this port, and the next port for the RPC websocket.
limit_ledger_size = 1337                        # Keep this amount of shreds in root slots.
ledger = "test-ledger"                          # Set ledger location.
gossip_port = 1337                              # Gossip port number for the validator.
gossip_host = ""                       # Gossip DNS name or IP address for the validator to advertise in gossip.
faucet_sol = 1337                               # Give the faucet address this much SOL in genesis.
faucet_port = 1337                              # Enable the faucet on this port.
dynamic_port_range = "1337 - 13337"             # Range to use for dynamically assigned ports.
bind_address = ""                        # IP address to bind the validator ports.


Use this to clone an account from the test.validator.clone.url cluster to the cluster of your test. If address points to a program owned by the "BPF upgradeable loader", anchor (>= 0.23.0) will clone the program data account of the program for you automatically.


url = "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com"
address = "7NL2qWArf2BbEBBH1vTRZCsoNqFATTddH6h8GkVvrLpG"
address = "2RaN5auQwMdg5efgCaVqpETBV8sacWGR8tkK4m9kjo5r"
address = "metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s" # implicitly also clones PwDiXFxQsGra4sFFTT8r1QWRMd4vfumiWC1jfWNfdYT


Use this to upload an account from a .json file.


address = "Ev8WSPQsGb4wfjybqff5eZNcS3n6HaMsBkMk9suAiuM"
filename = "some_account.json"
address = "Ev8WSPQsGb4wfjybqff5eZNcS3n6HaMsBkMk9suAiuM"
filename = "some_other_account.json"


Override toolchain data in the workspace similar to rust-toolchain.toml.

anchor_version = "0.31.0"    # `anchor-cli` version to use(requires `avm`)
solana_version = "2.1.0"    # Solana version to use(applies to all Solana tools)

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